Spanish Catholic priests back bishop attacked in media for defending life and family


Citing the document, the bishop called for “respect for the dignity of each person, religious freedom, spiritual values ​​and conscientious objection; defend and help the weakest in society, such as the elderly, the young, the unemployed and immigrants.

Bishop Gómez then said that the bishops did not seek to impose anything, but to appeal to “moral principles” which “should be above the different strategies of the parties because these are matters required by reason, natural law and true humanism”.

Attacks in the media

The Spanish prelate’s homily sparked “outrage” from various people and left-leaning media, which advocate abortion and same-sex “marriage.”

The Spanish edition of the Huffington Post published a article titled “The Bishop of Huelva arouses indignation with his political speech during El Rocío in the middle of the Andalusian countryside”, and included similar points of view.

Verónica Fumanal, President of the Political Communications Association, wrote on Twitter: “The Bishop of Huelva [is] instrumentalize El Rocío for the electoral campaign. Nothing is so clear when even the Church calls for a vote from the right and attacks the equality of marriage, the right to abortion and other rights conquered by the left.


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